Lisha’s Kill Reformed Church


Fellowship is an important part of life at Lisha’s Kill Reformed Church. Our fellowship committee is active in preparing opportunities to draw people into a closer relationship with one another through a variety of events.

Coffee Hour: Every Sunday following worship, and prior to our Christian Education hour, we have a time of coffee and refreshments in our fellowship area. This is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship with visitors and friends.

Special Fellowship Events: Occasionally during the year we have special brunches, dinners and outings, such as the Congregational Christmas Dinner, Mother/Daughter Banquet, caroling to shut-ins, and other events planned by the fellowship committee.

Not Eating Alone Tonight (N.E.A.T.) Dinners: from September through May, the church invites the neighbors and the community to a once-a-month dinner where old and new friends, both couples and singles, enjoy a meal together. This ministry provides a dinner for anyone who wants to attend. Funded principally by free-will offerings, a kitchen crew of about eight LKRC volunteers typically cook for, and serve food to, 35-40 guests.

Creative Ministries: Once a month during January-April, and September–November, a group of 6-8 members and friends gather to share a time of scrap-booking, knitting, sewing, and other forms of crafting. They each come with their own special project and continue working while socializing and learning from each other.

Lisha's Kill Seniors: About 25 attendees, typically from the neighborhood, not necessarily members of LKRC, meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 for games, trips, brunch/lunch and friendship. Sometimes they invite a speaker. “Come see what we’re all about!”

Prayer Chain Warriors: the power of prayer can be a powerful force supporting positive outcomes through many voices.